What Makes a Good Contract with Your Contractor

July 18, 2017


​When it comes to remodeling your home, office, or business, or adding things like an awning or other shade structure, finding the right contractor is a must. But, what’s the next step? 

​Once you have the contractor in place, you want to be sure that the contract you sign and approve is up to par. Here are some things that you should have in a good contract:

  1. Detailed Description: The contract should detail what work will be done. Where is the construction taking place? What is being installed/changed? The description should outline what will be used in terms of materials, what kinds of permits will be needed, and how much these things will cost. This is the most important part of the contract and should be as detailed as possible.
  2. Payment Schedule: Often, a good contractor will allow for payments instead of taking everything up front in one lump sum. A good contract will tell you how much you will pay, in total and how many payments it will take to cover the costs.
  3.  Liability: Make sure your contractor has the appropriate waivers and insurance. You don’t want them to sue you if they fall during construction on your home. You want to be released of all liability.
  4. Completion Date: Your contract should clearly state approximate start and end dates of construction. Remember, there will be hiccups and construction may not end exactly on the date specified, so an approximation is good to have. For example, your contract could say that construction will begin in early September and end in early October.
  5. Changes/Additions: Be sure that you have the ability to make some changes. Make sure that your changes are in writing and that the cost of the changes are also in writing as an addendum to your original contract.
  6. Cancellation Policy: Most good contracts will allow you to cancel your agreement without penalties within three days of initial agreement. This allows you the ability to think about your project and really make the right decision.
​Most importantly, a good contract is created when you and your contractor see eye-to-eye and work well with one another. A good contractor will listen to you and accommodate your tastes, schedule, and construction needs.
Now that you know a little more about what makes a good contract, feel free to contact us at American Awning & Blind Co. for more information by visiting us at http://americanawningabc.com. Or call us at 800-654-5933. You can also email us at info@americanawningabc.com